From the men who served on the USS Yorktown..."Our service, sacrifice and protection is our gift to all Americans."

"Full-of-fight feature!
Thrillingly told by
Lt. Robert Taylor USNR"



The Marianas!
Marshall Islands!




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color one hour movie
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"The Fighting Lady" Academy Award Winner 


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 Underway replenishment "we're refueling at sea...that tells us something."

 Gunnery Practice cover your ears!

Launching of the planes. "The fighters take off first to give cover aloft."

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Flightdeck Ballet " our planes come aboard there begins an operation almost as exciting as the battle itself, the ballet after battle."

 Bombing  "In a vertical dive the pilot may black out but his nose camera doesn't black out..."

 Truk traps "Returning to the deck at 130 mph with the flaps shot away, all a pilot can do is hope to save his own skin."

 Emily Splash "oh oh, our search planes have discovered an enemy search plane..."

Jill Splash Jap plane alone in the sky, Yorktown guns flashing, then Yorktown with plane on fire.

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The flamboyant Jocko Clark—the highest-ranking naval officer of Native American descent in US history—was admired by his men on the USS Yorktwn but not by everyone for his "Call 'em as I see 'em" leadership style.  The accompanying CD includes excerpts of interviews with Admirals J. J. Clark, Arleigh Burke, and George Anderson and other notable naval figures.


A very readable account of the USS Yorktown's involvement in the Pacific theater; the battles, plane crashes, torpedo firings, and naval bombings and day to day living of the typical USS Yorktown sailor.



Own-An intimate account of the life on board the “new” USS Yorktwn CV 10 in the Pacific War. The joys and agonies of the men who sailed on her and flew from her. Their stories in their own words, this is the way it was on The Fighting Lady in the Pacific War. This is the epic story of the the aircraft carrier which dominated the greatest sea war of all tim

Own the Horatio Hornblower Collector's Edition DVD Set

Experience the thrilling escapades of the ultimate high-seas hero with Captain Horatio Hornblower in this eight-volume treasure chest of naval adventure and historical drama.  


USS Yorktwn Sailor
Ship's Store
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USS Yorktown under attack  "We're being attacked by Japanese torpedo bombers, skimming after us, wing to water..."

Turkeyshoot  "Now our fighters run into a swarm of jap fighters."

Turkeyshoot #2 non-stop Yorktown pilots shooting down Japanese pilots

Jap Fleet USS Yorktown pilots finally find the Jap Imperial Fleet

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Plane Crashes  "Returning planes have been badly shot up..."

Salute "Salute them because they were brave..."














Made at the height of World War II and considered one of the best documentaries of that time, this film records the life of the aircraft carrier Yorktown from her launching in 1943 through her victorious sweep across the Pacific--including unsurpassed color footage of a suicide attack by Kamikaze pilots. It received the Academy Award for Best Documentary as well as a Special Documentary Award from the New York Film Critics.  USA, 1944, Color, 57 minutes.

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Special thanks to Stephanie for taking the movie "The Fighting Lady" and spending hours of her time cutting up the movie into segments for us and the rest of the world to view.   As thanks, Stephanie asks that we donate money to her favorite charity the Komen Foundation.  Go to this website (or contact for details.)





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