Mid Air Collision Kills Yorktown Aviator;
Son finds eyewitnesses 33 years later through www.YorktownSailor.com
Posted on the new www.YorktownSailor.com by the son of a Yorktown aviator:
68 deadly midair collision; anyone have any info?
Thu May 31 20:16:09 2001
'68 WestPac--researching VS-23 & VS-25 midair
"Looking for knowledgeable parties (witnesses, squadron mates, investigators, rescuers) who may have information regarding a mid-air collision of two S-2 trackers on 11 JAN 1967, while participating WestPac off the coast of Hawaii.
This accident claimed the life of my father, LCDR. Don J. Stebbins.
I’m looking to contact: VS-23 flight crew commanded by Stebbins: Lt.jg Thomas J. Crider, Radar Tech. Thomas. H. Frehseke, Yoeman3c Joseph L. Buckley ; Squadron CO: CMDR E.B. Ruby, Jr. VS-25 flight crew: Lt. jg Robert L Clapp, Lt. jg Wallace J. Ables, Tech3c Terry. D. Engsberg
Any information would greatly be appreciated. 206 297 8685
Craig Stebbins, son of LCDR Don J. Stebbins USS Yorktown"
Mid-Air collision
Fri Jun 1 21:35:46 2001
I was the Yorktown's photo officer. The two planes collided while we were in the process of dropping and photographing a weapon. The wing tip of one plane cut most of the vertical tail off the other. The plane that lost the wing tip crashed. Both crewman bailed out O.K. The other tried for a landing on a island airstrip nearby. The landing was successful, but the right brake locked, causing the plane to veer into a ditch and overturn, causing the death and injury to the crew. I had to enter the plane to make photos of the instruments and controls.
I knew all of the crew, and I am sorry for your loss.
Cdr. Jackson (Ret).
Midair Collision
Sun Jun 3 10:28:03 2001
Being part of OI Division meant standing lookout watch and that's where I was when the midair collision happened. I was one of the forward lookouts, O7 level, just above the bridge. Cdr. Jackson has given a very accurate account of the incident and there's not much that I can add, except that I was an eyewitness to the collision.
To this day, I can still recall seeing the two planes collide; the wing coming off of one and how it seemed odd to me the plane that lost the wing continued to fly for a few seconds in a level flight mode, and then all of a sudden rolled over to the side with the missing wing; and I remember seeing the crew jump out and thinking to myself "...I hope their chutes open."
I, too, am sorry for your loss.
Roland Brown, RD3
From the Captain of the USS Yorktown Bill Bennett, Jr. USN (ret.)
I've taken the liberty to contact you because of your plea on the Yorktown Web Page. I was the ship's commanding officer on the fateful day, one of the saddest days in my life! I had made it a point to meet all the department heads in each of the squadrons and that included your father, who was the Maintenance officer of VS-23. It was his desire ,in this job, to outdo his predecessors and keep his availability of aircraft for missions at a top level. The ship and squadrons were participating in the pre-deployment Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) and it was the first day.
One of VS-23's aircraft had flown to the ship from shore and the pilot had "downed
it for some maintenance problem, serious and extensive enough to warrant a test
flight prior to sending it on a mission. Your Dad would not let anyone else test that plane because he wanted to be sure it was ok. So, even though it was VS-25's turn to take the mission flight's your Dad was launched right behind the last mission aircraft. It was these two planes that collided less than a mile off the bow of the ship. The VS-25 plane ditched and the crew were picked up by helo. Your Dad elected to fly a couple of miles to a landing strip on the island. En route he lost power on one engine (this part of my memory is vague)
and the torque from the other one was too great for him to prevent the aircraft from turning sharply as the wheels touched down and they veered into the trees at high speed .
Your Dad was a fine Naval Officer and was slated to have a fabulous career ahead of him but our dear Lord had other plans for him. Each night in my prayers he is remembered as are the others in his crew.
Don't hesitate to ask any question you wish. I'll answer to the best of my memory of 33 years ago. I sincerely hope you and the rest of your family are doing well. Is your Mother well? Please give her my fondest regards.
Bill Bennett
Captain USS Yorktown (ret.]
USS Yorktown Ship's Company and Squadron comrades in formation at LCDR Stebbins burial at sea. (Photographs supplied by LCDR Stebbin's son, August 2001)
Please see the Yorktown's ship newspaper on the Burial at Sea of LCDR Donald Stebbins click here Please see our Tribute Page to all Yorktown sailors who served and died click here Yorktown aviator to be honored at the Vietnam Memorial
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