A Japanese plane shot aflame by antiaircraft fire from American ships
attempts to crash into flight deck of escort carrier

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The toughness of the Hellcat is revealed in this photograph. Returning to its carrier after combat. flames inside the fuselage have shriveled the skin, as fire pours out of the flaps. Soon after the pilot was rescued by shipmates and though burned, survived the incident.

The hazards of landing on a carrier deck under poor lighting condition after combat.
A Wildcat has come in, the pilot has misjudged his speed, or his arresting hook has not caught, and his plane does not stop until it ends up in the Pacific.

Deck landing accident aboard the Enterprise.
The Hellcat veered off the flight deck and caught fire.
Catapult officer with one foot the belly tank, climbs onto the wing to assist the pilot.

The third bomb striking the Enterprise, putting the elevator out of operation and killing the US Navy photographer. The Enterprise was under repair for two months.

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