CREST: The crest typifies the essence of the YORKTOWN heritage and spirit. The chevron rompu symbolizes the successful siege of Cornwallis’ troops by American and French troops at the Battle of Yorktown. |
The Griffin symbolizes the courage, daring, endurance, alertness, and the ability proven by General Washington’s troops at the Battle of Yorktown and by the performance of the four previous YORKTOWNs - a spirit and heritage borne proudly by CG 48. SHIELD: The amulet and cross allude to a telescopic gun sight and recognize the birth of modern naval gunnery in the second YORKTOWN with the first successful test of a telescopic gun sight in 1892. The arrowheads resemble flight symbols and refer to the role played by the third and fourth YORKTOWNs in World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War as aircraft carriers. The arrowheads also refer to missiles and, with the amulet, symbolize the evolution of the modern sophisticated Aegis Combat System, which incorporates offspring of the first telescopic gun sight. The arrowheads radiate in all directions indicating the multi-faceted striking ability of the Aegis cruiser. The shield represents the wartime service of the previous YORKTOWNs. There are 19 stars on the border for the 19 battle stars of the previous YORKTOWNs. |