The dedication of the USS Yorktown as a museum marks a milestone in achievement because this event is the culmination of efforts of individuals and supporting governmental agencies, including the South Carolina General Assembly...and the US Navy.

In need of a paint job; decommissioned Yorktown.

The Patriot's Point Development Authority was created in 1973 by Act 116 of the General Assembly.  This unique endeavor was founded with the hope that Americans everywhere would be afforded a unique educational and recreational experience.

Of primary importance, however, was the desire that all who visited the Naval and Maritime Museum at Patriots Point would leave with a new pride, reverence and respect for their American Heritage and the historic role played by the ships and men who have been a vital part of our Naval and Maritime Services.


April 1973: Legislation passed by the South Carolina Assembly establishing Patriots Point Development Authority.

April 1974: The Authority acquires 130 acres of land, formerly known as Hog Island and names it Patriots Point.  Application is also made to the Navy Department requesting donation of the USS Yorktown.

July 1974: The Navy Department approves the application of the Authority for acquisition of the USS Yorktown.

January 1975: The Corps of Engineers approves the request to begin dredging, road and pier and utility construction at Patriots Point.  Work begins.

 More pictures from 1975     


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