Here is how to make your "homepage" so you get every time you log onto the internet.
Are you using a high speed connection with Comcast or some other high speed connection? Then you might be using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your program. If so, then look to the tool bar at the top of your screen and click onto the option called Tools. This will drop down a list of options.
Click onto the one that says "Internet Option".
You will then get a new dialog box called Internet Options. In the first portion of that box will be a section which says "Home Page". In the white box, type in these words
At the bottom of this dialog box, click the box that says OK.
If you use Netscape to browse, you can do the same thing by choosing 'edit', then 'preferences', and click on 'navigator'. You will get a box to type in this page as your home page.
That is all there is to it!