World War Two
Click here Lands on USS Yorktown nearly dead, sailor sent to save him nearly "passes out""
Click here The bomb that hit the USS Yorktown was "50 feet from me" and was "my first close call."
Click here "They wiped the blood off me and sent me back up against the Japs." Yorktown aviator talks about fierce battles in the Pacific.
Click here US Marine gunner on USS Yorktown kills Jap airman as he parachutes into the Pacific after bailing out of his plane. "He would have died anyway. We wouldn't have rescued him."
Click here "Kill Japs, Kill Japs, Kill Japs" screamed the billboard put up by Admiral Halsey. The flag staff on the USS Yorktown write a disrespectful poem about this legendary sea dog.
Click here The Story of the USS Yorktown and the US Navy In Action during World War Two in the Pacific through the eyes of "Willie" a USS Yorktown sailor
Attack on the Japanese "Pearl Harbor", Truk; Collision of the USS Washington; attack on the USS Franklin and USS Bunker Hill; watching the glow from the Kamikaze fiery attack on the USS Randolph and waiting for the sound wave to hit the USS Yorktown; attack on the USS Essex and USS Langley; USS South Dakota shoots down the threats to the USS Yorktown; friendly fire brings down an identified aircraft; the Black Sheep Squadron? US Marines off course land on the USS Yorktown; "The Lucky Y", USS Yorktown is finally hit; Willie witnesses the kamikaze plane and pilot that just kept on coming; USS Hornet CVG 17 and USS Bon Homme Richard CV 31 at fleet anchorage and underway; USS Wasp gunners take down a kamikaze pilot and plane; typhoons hit USS Hornet and USS Yorktown; Operation Magic Carpet; going home on a Troop Transport Click here |
Faulty Engine. . . Heavy Fog. . . Gas Low. . . Gyro Out—But, “Mission Accomplished!” Click here |
Click here Scrappy the dog and "No Name" dog were the pets of the crew of the USS Yorktown as the ship fought through the Pacific War. |
Click here The "Fighting Lady" also known as the "The Lucky Y" suffers her first and only bomb hit by enemy action. 23 Yorktown sailors injured and five of them die. |
Click here The order to the Yorktown "Turn on the Lights!", at night in combat, was the gutsiest order in the US Navy since Admiral Farragut's order "Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead!" |
Click here two Distinguished Flying Crosses, eight air medals, a presidential unit citation with five stars. Torpedo Man remembers when JJ Clark risked it all by turning on the lights on the night flight deck to save stranded US Navy pilots |
Click here The US Navy gives birth to Flying Squadron Three and its first skipper LCDR Fritz Wolf, become an Ace while assigned to the USS Yorktown |
Click here First time a new sailor looked at the USS Yorktown in dry dock he was convinced she was "too heavy to float!" |
Click here Some of the Medals worn on the chest of USS Yorktown veterans |
Click here the Yorktown's Flying Circus, shooting down 50 Japanese planes without getting one bullet hole in their own; Eugene Valencia was the leader of the Yorktown Flying Circus awarded the Navy Cross for his leadership and shooting down 23 Japanese planes; the Yorktown was home to the most successful fighter division (4 planes) in the history of the US Navy, |
"USS Yorktown Kicked Ass to Tokyo", banner "still waves"; |
Click here Lt. Condit of the USS Yorktown, bombs Marcus, is shot down, is a prisoner of war and is picked to witness the surrender of the Japanese on the USS Missouri |
Click here Yorktown Aviator "My Experience as Prisoner of War by the Imperial Japanese. They killed us by inches." |
Click here The First USS Yorktown Flying Ace tells how he earned the Navy Cross, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, eight air medals, a presidential unit citation with five stars. HIS CROSS TO BEAR: ROBERT DUNCAN OF MARION RECEIVES LONG-OVERDUE NAVY CROSS FOR HIS PART IN WORLD WAR II |
Click here VF-88, pilot from the USS Yorktown fight in the last dogfight of the war, four of our pilots killed |
Click here After the war, the USS Yorktown drops anchor in Tokyo Bay and sees hundreds of two man Jap submarines under construction. A prank played on General MacArthur by the Yorktown crew but Yorktown sailors are loyal even when faced with an order from a five star general. Yorktown sailor lies to the Captain after the culprits he is protecting already confessed. |
Click here USS Yorktown's raid on Wake Island prompted Japanese Commander to murder American Prisoners of War |
Click here A Yorktown crewmember remembers what it was like to have the Japanese try to kill you hours after the war was "over." |
Click here Richard Taylor Eastman was 'a pilot's pilot, a man's man, a loyal, true friend' |
Click here Knowlton Stuart, Japanese pilot flew so close to the Yorktown, readying to drop a one-ton bomb on his ship, that he could see the torpedo just above his head. |
Click here Ed Sarkisian USMC, Marine Detachment on the Yorktown. Teaches a Yorktown sailor bugle calls and watches him die the same day; Marine wounded in battle on the Yorktown but goes back to his station too weak to stand,
Click here USS Yorktown Marine Detachment, the first US troops to "invade" Japan, Japanese troops surrender their arms to Yorktown Marines, Yorktown pilot welcomes US Army to Japan
Click here Jack Williams; life of a dive bomber pilot on the Yorktown CV 10 in World War Two; |
Click here USS YORKTOWN SINKS JAPANESE BATTLESHIP YAMATO Largest Battleship in Naval History, suicide mission by Japanese Navy, 5,000 Japanese sailors killed |
Click here USS Yorktown flying Ace Herbert Hauck, leader of attack of Japanese Battleship Yamato, dies at age 86 and is honored in the New York Times in March 2002 |
Click here CHARLES G. FRIES, JR. ARM2/C TBM APRIL 1945 flying off the Yorktown to sink a Japanese Battleship, the largest battleship ever built |
Click here What was it like to be on the Yorktown gun crew shooting down Japanese Kamikaze planes |
Click here "The Lucky Y" The USS Yorktown and her pilots were "lucky." Why did the two Japanese planes that were in line to kill the Yorktown not release their torpedoes? How could a pilot fly 120 back to the Yorktown as he was slowly bleeding to death? |
Click here Kamikaze Training Manual Read what the pilots who aimed at the Yorktown with the intent to sink her and kill us and our shipmates were thinking in the last few seconds of their lives; |
Click here for the Story of the Downed Yorktown Pilot, thanks his rescuers 52 years later, disobeys Landing Signal Officer to save the lives of the gun crew; |
Click here From the flight deck of the Yorktown to a crash into enemy territory "I was alone in enemy territory" |
Click here Newly minted Ensign hits the waves just as he sights the Yorktown; |
Click here "The Navy Department deeply regrets to inform you ..." that your son and Yorktown aviator has been killed in action |
Click here USS Yorktown turned into the USS Franklin for one day; what is it like to watch 700 fellow sailors die? See what the Kamikaze pilot was carrying/see what is left of his plane after hitting the USS Franklin |
Click here Joseph Cox, joined the Navy at 17, a plane pusher, ammo loader on the USS Yorktown, 100,00 sea miles of "Hit and Run" against Imperial Japan "I’d see 100 planes in a day, coming at us from all directions." |
Click here Award Winning Yorktown Photographers Mate Jeff Corey becomes Hollywood Actor survives Japanese Kamikaze attacks on the Yorktown and the Red Scare Black List after the war |
Click here Yorktown pilot Bayers awarded the Navy Cross for ignoring his own safety to protect his ship and shipmates, Commanding Officer of the Fighting 3 A on CV10 was first former enlisted man to take command of a squadron; from enlisted seaman to Captain; |
Click here Yorktown Photographer's Mate, almost swept into the sea by typhoon, watches the Yorktown bent in the middle by the gigantic waves |
Click here The USS Yorktown "has taken lives and has saved lives". Read about how the Yorktown and crew saved Japanese lives after the end of World War Two and rescued British subjects in 1960. |
Click here In Hong Kong Mary Soo and her workers paint the USS Yorktown. How are they paid? They get to take the Yorktown's garbage. Capt. Bennett writes about the poverty of Hong Kong in 1968. |
Click here The Best Landing Safety Officer in the US Navy served the aviators of the USS Yorktown |
Click here "Snipes!" "The Black Gang" The boiler tenders and machinist mates. When a jap torpedo had their name on it, they never even knew it. The Yorktown "went all the way to the Moon" and full speed ahead, because of the boys down in the hole |
Click here The USS Yorktown most famous for her service in the Pacific, but also she saw some "action" in the Atlantic as a target for a Nazi German submarine; |
Click here Yorktown plane crashes into mast of USS New Orleans, spraying aviation fuel and killing one crewmember; |
Click here USS Yorktown transports thousands of US Marine and US Army fighters back to the USA after the end of World War Two; Yorktown becomes a "Magic Carpet" |
Click here While the US Navy fought the Japanese in the Pacific, the US Army Air Corps fought the Nazis over Europe. In a dive, pilot Evans in his Texas drawl says "A've got it." |
click here Can you actually face it? The REAL speech that General Patton gave to his troops, not the clean-up version from the movie. |
Do you want a US Navy patch, US Navy Aviator Patch, USS Yorktown pin, etc.?
Korean War and Cold War
Click here RICHARD G. WELLS, Aerial Photographer's Mate USS Yorktown~~~The Crash of the Skyraider #124071; |
YORKTOWN Visiting Hong Kong in 1953 Mary Soo the Sidecleaner gets the Yorktown spaghetti garbage; sailors on liberty in Hong Kong get spaghetti; |
Yorktown Sailor is tempted and falls in Hong Kong; repents. Tempted and falls again in Japan, etc. |
Click here Too Fast to Stop, Too Slow to Fly, Yorktown plane's crashes from flight deck into the North China Sea off of Korea |
Click here Steering the USS Yorktown with no training and no instruction. Something you'll never forget |
Click here Yorktown Korean War veteran " it was impossible not to believe that Someone was watching over us." Pictures from the 1954-55 cruisebook; the largest cake ever made on a ship to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the recommissioning of the USS Yorktown |
Click here The Yorktown "does her part" in the Cold War against Communist China in the mid 1950's "all missions were logged as combat missions" The open secret? The pilots were from the Soviet Union. |
Click here Rough justice on the USS Yorktown. Cut into the chow line and get three days in the brig on bread and water...instantly and automatically. |
Click here Yorktown PhotoMate gets threatened to be thrown overboard for taking flash pictures during plane crash. |
Click here Yorktown PhotoMate gets into trouble when his Chief gets transferred to the USS Yorktown and before the PhotoMate gets to the Yorktown. 3rd Class Petty Officer "promoted" to Admiral! |
Click here Yorktown cumshaw at work! Photo mates trade pictures of the ship for chocolate and make chocolate milk and fudge in the Photo Lab. |
Vietnam War and Cold War
Click here Yorktown Aviator's "Brush" with death, tin can sailors saved him; |
Click here Trapping (landing) on an aircraft carrier at night for the first time. Your asshole will pucker just like the pilot's when you read this. |
Click here 25 and Alive, spelled out on the flight deck with sailors. Photo by Milt Putnam, PH2 |
Click here Helicopter operations off the coast of Viet Nam 1965; underway replenishment |
Click here Capt. Bennett sends a Family Gram to Yorktown sailor's wives, Moms and Dads. He talks about a Yorktown pilot saving an Air Force pilot, newsmen from around the world on the Yorktown and the Yorktown flight deck spell out "25 and Alive." |
Click here The USS Yorktown's last visit to the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, what serving on the United States Ship Yorktown means to one sailor Daniel A. Bernath |
click here The strange people who served aboard the USS Yorktown. Adolf Hitler on the USS Yorktown? |
Click here USS Yorktown is first US Navy floating TV station during the Vietnam War and floating radio station during the Korean War, Bob Wallace was one of the disc jockies, USO Entertainers on Yorktown, Yorktown Helo Squadron Commander becomes the President's advisor, Yorktown "newscaster" Daniel A. Bernath becomes NYC and LA newscaster and who owned the sword that cut all those ceremonial cakes on the Yorktown? |
Click here Mid Air Collision Kills Yorktown Aviator; Son finds eyewitnesses 33 years later through |
Click here Living and working on Yankee Station, off the coast of North Vietnam for a crewman of the USS Yorktown |
Click here Part of Yorktown's job while on Yankee Station off the coast of North Vietnam, Search and Rescue and Surveillance, Yorktown aviators killed in action, bodies never found |
Click here The Yorktown participates in the atomic bomb testing at Christmas Island in Operation Dominic; dangers to the Yorktown crew at sea and back in port in Japan, President Kennedy calls the Admiral on the Yorktown |
Click here The Adventures of a USS Yorktown Cop. What it was like to be a Master at Arms on the Yorktown by Daniel A. Bernath |
Click here Up to two thirds of the Yorktown crew is left behind as the "Fighting Lady" makes an emergency rush to the North Atlantic to catch a Russian submarine |
Click here From the Radio Room of the USS Yorktown to the Oval Office of the White House and then to jail; Yorktown radio officer Lt jg Egil "Bud" Krogh, goes on to become aide to President Nixon, meets with Elvis Presley and goes to jail for his Watergate deeds |
Click here |
Click here The US Navy treated their new recruits to steak dinner and white tablecloth-but the Royal Treatment doesn't last very long! |

Do you want a US Navy patch, US Navy Aviator Patch, USS Yorktown pin, etc.?
Click here for Yorktown Sea Stories, the joys, the fears, the tragedies the triumphs of the common seaman and airman; These stories are guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye and make you laugh out loud. Submitted by and written by USS Yorktown veterans, their own story; Start at the beginning of the series click, or go direct to sea story by click in the box below; |