11 Battle Stars, Presidential Unit Citation WWII; five battle stars Vietnam War; 472 enemy planes shot down; 199 ships sunk, 1,886 planes damaged, 329 enemy ships damaged, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War,  Recovering the First Astronauts to Travel to the Moon; South America Cruise, North Atlanta NATO cruise, Hollywood movies and television appearances;  UNCLE SAM GOT HIS MONEY'S WORTH WITH THE SHIP AND CREW OF THE USS YORKTOWN!



World War Two

Korean War


 War in Vietnam


The Cold War 
Commemorative Medal
Cold War Certificate

Purple Heart


Victory over Japan

Click here for the free previews of the Academy Award Winning Movie about
the USS Yorktown, "The Fighting Lady.

National Defense Medal


The Navy Cross


Navy Commendation

Navy Occupation Service Medal


Republic of Vietnam


China Service Medal


Asiatic Pacific


Philippine Liberation

Republic of Korea
War Service


United Nations


Prisoner of War

For Honorable and Faithful Service WWII

For Honorable and Faithful Service, Korean War, Vietnam War and Cold War era.

Korea War Service

Distinguished Flying Cross

Air Medal

Yorktown vets! Honor and remember your service to your country, your Navy and your shipmates...

Join the USS US Navy click here



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