Richard G. Wells, Aviation Photographers Mate 3rd Class.  Chief Petty Officer Photographers Mate (Hon)  US Marine Corps Sergent


The cover is great, printed on high quality slick paper, great photos of the Yorktown, DD 885, DD886, many airplanes from SNJ to F9F Cougars, stories about liberties, two series of Skyraiders going over the side and alot of other stuff that will bring back memories. For you remember the Sea SQuirrel on the Hangar Deck (Or maybe it was a Sea Bat?) Do you recall the night fighter that crashed on the flight deck ? How about the short stop at Sasebo on Xmas Eve 1953? How about Mary Soo and the sidecleaners, Hangar deck bazzar in Hong Kong ? Even pictures of thached roof Don the Beachcombers. Oh yes, and the Royal Hawaiian HOtel when it was the TALLEST bldg on Waikkii beach ? Its all there and MUCH more ! A GREAT picture of Hong Kong harbor from the top of Mt. Victoria with NO highrises to block the view.

It even tells of my experiences with and then AS a Marine !

The boot camp story is worth the whole price !
Do you remember getting squirted with blood ?
How about going through the line to get your clothes with the fartsack tied around your neck?

Oh yes, it is with special easy for old eyes to read and enjoy.

For a check of $29.95 (Shipping included) a copy of OVER THE SIDE will be shipped the same day the check is cashed !

Richard G. Wells
428 Melrose Lane
Mt. Morris, MI 48458
Subject: Life of a Yorktown Sailor OVER THE SIDE

Date: Wed Dec 10, 2008
My friends and aquaintences,

Today I am VERY excited. Copies of the Second vastly improved edition of my book, OVER THE SIDE are on the way.
(The first edition was very successful.)

It really looks great ! Easy to read printing, 8X11", Lots of great photos ! Slick paper ! Good looking front cover. Informative back cover ! Pretty girls! Good jokes (Some are subtle.)! Funny stories! Serious stories! Airplane crashes ! Marines!
Multiple interest potential buyers ! Many people are on my buyers waiting list! Inclusion of THREE United States Navy ships and several Naval Air Stations !

It has multiple good things going for it.
It should be interesting to Carrier and Tin Can Sailors, flyers, Marines, Handicapped young people, residents of S.W. Pennsylvania, people in the auto industry and anyone who enjoys easy to read, interesting fast moving stories.

As some of you know, it is a collection of memories of seven years serving our Country. Four years in the US Navy as an Aerial Photographer and three years as a Marine Recon Squad leader and photographer. It is written with the outlook of a Enlisted Man who stutters and how he survived in the military and some later life.

It includes my son possibly meeting his half Japanese brother !
(Referring to the story Sasebo Encounter.)

I ordered a large lot of them. After all, Ill need some for my family, the Museum of Nav Av in Pensacola, the USS YORKTOWN CVA-10 and the 10 other Carrier Museums plus to the Associations of USS CRAIG DD 885 and USS OLECK DD 886 !

Wish me luck, Ill need alot of it, but I feel good about it.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send them via email.

May you have fair winds
And following seas.
FOR DETAILS: Richard G. Wells

Richard Wells


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