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Click here for the free previews of the Academy Award Winning Movie about
the USS Yorktown, "The Fighting Lady.

USS Yorktown christened by Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the President 21 Dec. 43  R.Adm. Buckmaster standing just behind the First Lady

May 1943.  Yorktown launches TBF from her hanger deck catapult, allowing scout plane to be launched without having to disturb planes on flight deck.  As radar became better little need for this so it was removed in November 44.


After losing its tail hook, an A4C from Marine Attack Squadron 223 is caught by the Yorktown nylon barrier



A4C pulls barrier net out and is just coming to a stop

The "birth" and "death" of the USS Yorktown

Plank Owner's Certificate

Yorktown "Mothball Fleet" certificate


18 Mar 45 during attack on Jap home island of Kyushu a bomb strikes starboard side, exploding along 0200 deck.  Two holes, 12 and 15 feet; kills 5 and wounds 18 Yorktown crew

40mm battery in training on the Yorktown May 43 
Gunners are not in battle dress during training


Meeting of two Giants:

Yorktown's CO JJ Clark and Pacific Fleet Commander Chester W. Nimitz on the deck of the Yorktown at Pearl Harbor


"Scrappy" wearing a "Mae West" life jacket and helmet.  Scrappy was featured in the movie "The Fighting Lady"

Scrappy went AWOL first chance he got!

Yorktown's Captain Clark looking for the Avocet goat's milk he drank for his ulcers.  Cartoon by John Furlow


Jap "Gill" stands up to Yorktown's murderous fire with a torpedo meant for the Yorktown strapped to the plane's belly.  The jap pilot files to release the torpedo so rises up over the Yorktown to try again before the Yorktown's shells take their toll and the plane goes into the water.

Hellcat brings down Jap plane.  One of 400 shot down during the Marianas Turkey Shoot  19 Jun 44

US Navy rear gunner

US Navy Corsair fires


During the height of the Marianas Turkey Shoot, Lt. Harry "Mule" Mueller burns out his tires as he heads for the wire barricade on the Yorktown.  Aviation boatswain mate can be seen ducking below flight deck on catwalk in case an arrest wire snaps and cuts down anyone in its path.

Jap carrier Zuikaku takes several hits from Air Group One and others in Battle of Philippine Sea.  Two destroyers also twist to avoid hits from Yorktown aviators.  The Zuikaku took part in sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and survived four more months.

Aviation Gunners Mate prepares, stores and takes up 1000 pound bombs to the flight deck of the USS Yorktown from deep within "The Fighting Lady"


Through a Yorktown pilot's eyes; what is it like just before the air strike on Marcus (warning, actual "sailor at sea" language used) 0415 (4:15 a.m.) the pilots emerged onto the flight deck.  They felt the ship heeling over sharply to head into the wind, yet they couldn't see a thing, not even the big white stars painted on their aircraft and soon as the pilot's eyes adjusted to the total darkness they could make out the phosphorescent wakes of the other ships.

Strapped into their cockpits by their plane captains, the Yorktown pilots waited. 

"Christ!" cursed one to himself.  "The waiting is the worst of all. 
I wish I could take a leak. 
That goddamn pistol is sticking in my ribs.
My goddamn foot is going to sleep.  Jesus, it's dark. 
Going to be bitch of a rendezvous.  Black as a witch's teat. 
The air smells good this morning."

"Prepare to start engines!" blared the bullhorn at the air officer's order, and the pilots primed their engines.  "Stand clear of propellers!"  Plane captains patted their pilots on the head and jumped down.  Airdales crouched by the airplane wheels, ready to pull out the chocks.

"Start engines!' ignition cartridges fired, engines coughed, props turned over-and over, until the Yorktown's flight deck reverberated with the deafening roar of some 48 piston engines...

The Fighting Lady ©1986  page 37               

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