Some of the highlights of the movie on this page~~~~
Our First Captain Jocko Clark yelling at flight deck crew on US Navy ship USS Yorktown
Going through
the Panama Canal; lines along the side of ship to keep from bumping the ship.
Scroll down for more pictures
A very readable account of the USS Yorktown's involvement in the Pacific theater; the battles, plane crashes, torpedo firings, and naval bombings and day to day living of the typical USS Yorktown sailor.
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Own the Horatio Hornblower Collector's Edition DVD Set Experience the thrilling escapades of the ultimate high-seas hero with Captain Horatio Hornblower in this eight-volume treasure chest of naval adventure and historical drama.
One of the first planes to land on the USS Yorktown
Silhouette of plane landing on USS Yorktown
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When the USS Yorktown was new.
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Underway replenishment. The sailors on the oiler get pretty wet at times.
Plane crashing on USS Yorktown
Yorktown pilots talking in the wardroom about flying technique.
Jap Zero taking bullets from Yorktown pilot, as photographed through plane's nose camera
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US Navy ship USS Yorktown
Jap Zeros taking Yorktown pilot's bullets
Japanese ship explodes with its own TNT with Yorktown plane's bullets hitting it SERIES
The USS Yorktown
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Yorktown pilot, wounded, taken to sick bay by flight deck crew
Anchors Aweigh. Heading west...always westward...
USS Yorktown sails into the sunset...westward, always westward
Jap Torpedo plane hit and afire heading toward USS Yorktown
Yorktown crewman cheers! The plane is shot down and the Lucky Y, again avoids getting hit.
Jap plane afire. 19 jap planes "polished off" and not one US Navy carrier hit!
US Navy ship USS Yorktown pilot wounded and taken from damaged plane.
Phosphorous weapon and fuel burn
and explodes in plane on Yorktown flight deck.
Yorktown firefighters shoot out CO2 and rescue sailors try to save the pilot
Yorktown and escorts at flank speed. Foaming water in front of USS Yorktown
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From Yorktown nose camera on plane, Jap plane flaming flies into the sea.
Jap aircraft carrier explodes after attack by USS Yorktown planes in Philippine Sea
Yorktown plane's controls shot away; crashes into Yorktown island. Pilot walks out, SMILING!
Picture Two
Picture Three
Picture Four
US Navy ship USS Yorktown
Picture Five
Burial at sea for our shipmates who gave the supreme sacrifice for their country, their ship and their shipmates
Yorktown plane takes off from Yorktown
Picture Two
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Picture Three
The USS Yorktown
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"and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there."
The US Navy ship USS Yorktown battle flag still flying
Returning to San Francisco, California, USA.
The Yorktown crew is victorious and forever holds a place in American history.
The crew of the USS Yorktown thanks our fellow- American and salutes Suzi for her outstanding
work for the veterans of the US Navy Ship Yorktown King of Caronia
Suzi captured all of these marvelous pictures of our shipmates for this website so the world can see of our service to America._
The Yorktown crew on the flight deck spell out their new nickname "Fighting Lady"
Some pictures of the WW2 US Navy USS Yorktown photographers who made the movie "The Fighting Lady"
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the sign that greets the crew of the US Navy ship USS Yorktown and all US Navy ships as they make land at San Francisco, California USA
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The story behind the movie "The Fighting Lady" click here |
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One of the "Stars" of the movie, goes AWOL. click here |
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Get your own copy of "The Fighting Lady" at the Gedunk Ship's Store click here |
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Watch the entire movie IN COLOR click here |
US Navy ship USS Yorktown
"Full-of-fight feature!
The Marianas!
"The Fighting Lady" |
Underway replenishment "we're refueling at sea...that tells us something." Gunnery Practice cover your ears! Launching of the planes. "The fighters take off first to give cover aloft." Watch the entire movie IN COLOR Flightdeck Ballet " our planes come aboard there begins an operation almost as exciting as the battle itself, the ballet after battle." Bombing "In a vertical dive the pilot may black out but his nose camera doesn't black out..." Truk traps "Returning to the deck at 130 mph with the flaps shot away, all a pilot can do is hope to save his own skin." Emily Splash "oh oh, our search planes have discovered an enemy search plane..." Jill Splash Jap plane alone in the sky, Yorktown guns flashing, then Yorktown with plane on fire. Watch the entire movie IN COLOR USS Yorktown under attack "We're being attacked by Japanese torpedo bombers, skimming after us, wing to water..." Turkeyshoot "Now our fighters run into a swarm of jap fighters." Turkeyshoot #2 non-stop Yorktown pilots shooting down Japanese pilots Jap Fleet USS Yorktown pilots finally find the Jap Imperial Fleet Watch the entire movie IN COLOR Plane Crashes "Returning planes have been badly shot up..." Salute "Salute them because they were brave..."